Five Megilloth
Used in English-speaking countries for more than half a century, the masterful Soncino Books of the Bible series has become the classic English rendering of the Bible. This vast work, painstakingly prepared by scholars under the general editorship of Rabbi Abraham Cohen, contains the complete Hebrew text and an elegant and lucid verse-by-verse translation, as well as an illuminating commentary digest based on the works of classical scholars. Extensive introductions provide invaluable help in understanding each book's purpose. With its compact, practical size and distinctive format, this is the most accessible and complete text for all students of the Bible. Each volume contains an index and a bibliography.
The Five Megilloth consists of the Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes and Esther.
The Song of Songs is King Solomon's poem of love between G-d and the Jewish people, couched in the metaphor of love between a man and a woman.
The Book of Ruth tells the tale of the conversion of Ruth, a Moabite woman who became the foremother of King David and ultimately, the Messiah.
The Book of Lamentations, written by the prophet Jeremiah, describes the sorrow of the destruction of the First Temple and the exile of the Jewish people.
Ecclesiastes contains some of the wsidom of King Solomon. It focuses on the idea of the temporariness of the things of this world, and emphasizes the importance of spiritual deeds.
The Book of Esther tells the story of the holiday of Purim, and how the Jews were saved from annihilation at the hands of the wicked Haman by the heroic Esther and Mordechai. Ultimately it shows how G-d is always at work behind the scenes, even when His hand is not immediately apparent.